Dear External Reviewers,

Thank you for agreeing to serve as an external reviewer for my tenure process.

This site serves as my research dossier for the external review. It contains the past five years of my main research activities with recognitions. My CV (research only) and research narrative found on the top navigation only reflect my research portion of the activities at the Texas State University. My full CV, including teaching and service activities can be found here and will also be attached in the email that is sent to you by the School of Art and Design at Texas State University.

This site is optimized the best for desktop rather than mobile devices. Any underlined words are hyperlinks to related materials, and the footnotes in the project description refer to the images on the page. The left sidebar is reserved for the top five research projects and selected presentations and workshops. When you click each project, it will take you to a brief project description with footnotes and selected recognitions. Whenever you would like to go back to the home page, please click my name on the top left corner.

Thank you again for your time and contribution. It is greatly appreciated. 


MiHyun Kim
Assistant Professor of Communication Design
School of Art and Design | Texas State University

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